42-year-old Rudraprakash from Hyderabad, a software engineer was having persistent cough for the past 2 months. He managed with of f the counter cough syrup and antibiotics till last week when he was alarmed to see traces of blood in his sputum. Being a heavy smoker for the last 20 years he rushed to undergo an evaluation with a chest X ray & CT scan, unfortunately he confirmed his worst fear of lung cancer. But PET CT scan fortunately revealed an early stage of disease amenable to surgery. He got an appointment with a consultant thoracic surgeon who answered his queries regarding lung cancer and its advanced surgical treatment.
What are the factors responsible for rise in lung cancer cases in India?
Traditionally, lung cancer was most attributed to tobacco smoking and was hence termed as smoker's disease. Further, secondhand smoking and environmental tobacco smoke are well-known lung carcinogens, and exposure to these carcinogens has been known to predispose to lung cancer incidence and mortality. Currently, despite the decreasing trends in smoking prevalence worldwide, the incidence of lung cancer continues to rise. Recently Lung cancer in never smokers outnumbering that among smokers was an interesting observation. Lung cancer in the never smokers possibly involve complex interplay of genetic and environmental mechanisms.
Is it possible to do surgery in my case of lung cancer?
The treatment plan of Lung cancer depends entirely on the stage of disease. Lung cancer has 4 stages I to IV , stage I & II being early stage lung cancer where surgery is the first treatment option while stage III & IV are advanced stages where chemoradiotherapy is advised. In selected cases of Stage III lung cancer neoadjuvant chemotherapy is advised first to shrink the tumour before undergoing surgery. Keyhole techniques like VATS and Robotic surgery has revolutionised the treatment of lung cancer.
What is video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS)?
Video assisted thoracic surgery or VATS is a keyhole technique where 3 small 10mm incisions or key holes are made on the side of the chest through which a high-definition camera and key hole instruments are inserted. After surgery is completed the affected part of the lung is removed in a retrieval bag through one of the 3 incisions .
What are the advantages of VATS in lung cancer ?
VATS incisions are miniscule, 10 mm or less and does not involve cutting of muscles or spreading of ribs as in open surgery . This entails advantages like less chances of infection and less pain , speedy recovery from surgery and early return to full functional activity. It offers the advantage of preservation of shoulder function , which essentially means a full functional normal life as before . Body Immunity is better preserved leading to decreased recurrence of lung cancer in future.
Could I have prevented Lung cancer in any way?
Smoking, both active and passive is the most important risk factor for lung cancer. Chronic heavy smokers need to be screened with low dose CT scans for early detection of lung cancer. Never ignore persistent symptoms like relentless cough, blood in sputum and associated loss of weight and appetite. Early detection and appropriate treatments are the key to survival after lung cancer.